Anonymous Funny Quotes
A list of funny quotes that are written by an author that is not known or anonymous. Although not known, these amusing phrases must've had an author, so if you think you know who wrote any of them, please let us know.
Give a man a fish and he will have food for one day. Teach him to catch fish and he will spend all day at the lake drinking beer.
I always give 100% at work! 12% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 20% on Thursday and 5% on Friday. Welcome back weekend.
When I tried to do a search for marital advise on Google, it tried to finish my sentence for me, just like my wife does.
Sleeping is hard in the summer because the blankets are too warm, but without them I am vulnerable to monsters.
Some of the greatest ideas of all time have come to people during Math class... none of which had anything to do with Math.
I think I'm starting to have a problem with my vision, ever since I got married I haven't seen any money through the entire house.