Anonymous Funny Quotes
A list of funny quotes that are written by an author that is not known or anonymous. Although not known, these amusing phrases must've had an author, so if you think you know who wrote any of them, please let us know.
Each year in the USA, 16 people are attacked by sharks and 6000 by goats . We don't need shark week, we need goat week.
My four moods: I'm too old for doing that. I'm too tired for doing that. I'm too sober for doing that. I don't have time for doing that.
Me: I am so glad I saved all this money. Me again: It's time to spend it, you know you want to.
The difference between running and walking is a lot more apparent when you have to go to the bathroom.
I am physically, mentally and emotionally ready to enter a new phase in my life.... hibernation.