Anonymous Funny Quotes
A list of funny quotes that are written by an author that is not known or anonymous. Although not known, these amusing phrases must've had an author, so if you think you know who wrote any of them, please let us know.
Husband: I am a grown man, stop mothering me. Also husband: Have you seen my keys? Have you seen my wallet? Where did we park? I don't have clean underwear.
Do you ever feel like your body's "check engine" light is on but you're like "nah, I'll be fine"?
One small decision can change your life! That's why I always let someone else make my decisions, that way if something goes wrong I have somebody to blame other than myself.
You're riding a horse full speed, and there's a giraffe on your left and a lion chasing you from behind, so what do you do? Get off the carousel!
What is the one machine at your local gym you should use to impress the ladies? The bank machine.
My wife loves me so much, she tries her best to attract me to her. The other day she put on a perfume that smells like a computer.
Don't believe everything fortune cookies tells you. Just because they're sweet doesn't mean they're right.
If you eat in the kitchen, your room is always clean, and you go to sleep at 9 o'clock, it means you don't have Internet!!
We should start referring to age as "levels." So when you're level 80, it sounds a lot cooler than just being an older person.