Anonymous Funny Quotes
A list of funny quotes that are written by an author that is not known or anonymous. Although not known, these amusing phrases must've had an author, so if you think you know who wrote any of them, please let us know.
Kids: How come the closet is completely full of toilet paper? Me: We're getting 3 cats, we have to pad all the walls in the house.
That awkward moment when it's quiet in class and your stomach decides to sound make whale mating sounds.
All our dogs think we quit our jobs to spend more time with them. All our cats think we got fired for being lazy.
Today I told my daughter she's giving me a headache! She told me "For suggestions and complaints, contact the manufacturer."
A new kitten will turn your house upside down and at the same time make everything seem right.
True love isn't about what's on the outside, it's about what's on the inside.... the wallet.
When I finish eating something I have to show my hands to the dog, like I'm a blackjack dealer...