Anonymous Funny Quotes
A list of funny quotes that are written by an author that is not known or anonymous. Although not known, these amusing phrases must've had an author, so if you think you know who wrote any of them, please let us know.
I just finally discovered what's wrong with my brain: on the left side there is nothing right and on the right side, there is nothing left.
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep - not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
When people ask me what is more important, food or love, I don't answer because I'm eating.
The alphabet begins with ABC, numbers begin with 123, music begins with do-re-mi, and friendship begins with you and me.
My doctor prescribed laughter as the most efficient medicine. Unfortunately the pharmacist said too many people were crying from laughter so it's no longer available.
When people tell me "You're going to regret that in the morning," I sleep in until noon because I'm a problem solver.
I don't need a psychiatrist to prod into my personal life and make me tell them all my secrets, I have my friends for that.