Anonymous Funny Quotes
A list of funny quotes that are written by an author that is not known or anonymous. Although not known, these amusing phrases must've had an author, so if you think you know who wrote any of them, please let us know.
In grammar class the teacher asks her student: When you sing you say 'I sing' what do you say when your brother is singing? I say 'shut up you're a terrible singer'.
Going in a teen's room is like going to Ikea. You pop in to take a look and come out with 4 bowls, 6 cups, a set of plates, and some cutlery.
If you want someone who will listen to you every time, do everything you tell them to do, and always be there for you for better or for worse, get a dog.
I just finally discovered what's wrong with my brain: on the left side there is nothing right and on the right side, there is nothing left.
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?
I look at the moon and it looks really beautiful!.. Then I look at you... and.. I think I'll look at the moon again?!