Work Quotes
Tell your boss what you really think about him, and the truth shall set you free, from your job.
My boss asked me where I see myself in 5 years. I told him if his hair keeps falling out, I'll see myself in his bald spot.
If my life was an action movie, my boss would be the spy trying to sabotage my mission, and my mission would be going on Facebook.
I've always wanted to turn around in an executive chair and say "I've been expecting you."
My cell phone is acting up, I keep pressing the home button but when I look around, I'm still at work.
When I'm at work I can fall asleep instantly, but when I'm in my bed I can hardly fall asleep.
I know that Einstein's theory of relativity is correct because every weekend goes by twice as fast as normal.
Displayed 61-75 of 111 quotes.