Funny Wife Quotes
Funny quotes and saying about wives and being married.
I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar.
Newspaper Ad. For sale: Encyclopedia Britannica, complete set of 45 volumes. No longer needed due to getting married. My wife knows everything. $200 Or best offer.
I always help my wife out with housework such as washing the dishes and doing the laundry. She washes them, and I let them dry.
When I tried to do a search for marital advise on Google, it tried to finish my sentence for me, just like my wife does.
My wife never gives up. She is so insistent that she entered the wrong password over and over again until she managed to convince the computer that she's right!
One day my wife's credit card got stolen.. what a relief it was to find that the thief spends less than my wife!
My wife told me the other day that I don't take her to expensive places any more, so I took her to the gas station.
I look at the moon and it looks really beautiful!.. Then I look at you... and.. I think I'll look at the moon again?!
Displayed 1-15 of 18 quotes.