Top 100 Funny Quotes
Math is fun, it teaches you life and death information, like when you're cold, you should go to a corner since it's 90 degrees there.
I look at the moon and it looks really beautiful!.. Then I look at you... and.. I think I'll look at the moon again?!
You know the potholes on a road are bad when they assign lifeguards to them, in case anybody falls inside.
My friend, remember that without stupidity there wouldn't be intelligence, and without ugliness there wouldn't be beauty, so the world needs you after all.
Do you ever go out, and then something happens and you think to yourself 'this is exactly why I don't go out'?
That awkward shopping moment when someone is standing in front of the items you need and you pretend you're shopping for something else because they just won't budge.
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?
Displayed 121-135 of 400 quotes.